A long long time ago in a land far far away a toddler was transfixed on a TV set the kind with a big back (yes it was THAT long ago) this toddler was watching Richard Pryor do a thing called “stand up comedy” of course our little friend had no clue what that was but from that age he became obsessed with comedy. Growing up in late/ post-military regime in northern Nigeria born to two academics, however, when our young toddler grew into a teen he had to push this ambition to the back of his mind as a comedy career was not a realistic ambition (or so he thought) but as fate would have it, two decades later he would saunter on to an open mic night and make his first attempt at stand up, this went terribly. But consistency is key and after months of licking his wounds, he tried again and kept going. Through years of mastering his craft, he has now taken on the world to become a world-class entertainer.